Friday, November 11, 2005

meeting Jasmine

scouting for the right make up artist is a tough task. and finding the right one whom you can trust is even harder. being a member of w@w for quite sometime now, i have a good array of choices to choose from. i narrowed it down to two most popular ones that has good reviews and picked the very first one who responded promptly... and Jasmine Mendiola it is! unlike my other choice, Jasmine responded very well to my seemingly non-ending questions. our conversations were purely SMS based which started the week prior i left the states (Jas, if you're reading this, i really appreciate those international SMS you spent for me =p).

Jasmine and i hit it off right from the very start. She's professional at what she does, very punctual, and antoher "OC" (just like me) when it comes to details. i salute her patience with the so many last minute changes i've made during our pre-nup/trial HMU day. Call time was six in the morning, and sure enough Jasmine and Felicity (her pretty assistant hairstylist) was right there impunto, knocking at our room at The Great Eastern hotel. mind you, when i said last minute changes, i meant the late night prior to our meet up! there are just a few things that happened unexpectedly and only life-saver people like our cousin Rosa can mend (super thanks for the hotel tip!)

here are some photos of Jasmine and Felicity in action:
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final make up results can be viewed on the next post (pre-nup)
just for point of comparison, here's a pic of plain jane me:

For inquiries, you may contact Jasmine at:
visit her blog
*** w@w tag holder gets 10% discount right of the bat!

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