Sunday, August 07, 2005

and so it began

At the beginning of this year, though it started with my vacation, plans for next year's wedding have been talked about. We started formally telling some of our family and friends about the date, few of the entourage details and little this and that about the wedding per se.

We've divided the task into these:
Me- 90% online search + 10% legwork. Brian- 90% legwork + 10% rest (hehe). And our coordinator/friend/classmate/critic/referee - PAUL. Hehe!

We've both dreamt of a garden wedding. So here, first to get ticked off on our checklist.

The Venue

We chose Fernwood Gardens. We did ocular inspection back in January and was lucky enough to have observed an actual wedding happening. They allowed us to have the "feel" of the reception area while it was all "dressed up" for the night's event. There were four gardens to choose from and we ended up reserving Fernwood 1 last June. For the convenience of the majority, since we will be expecting guests from both north and south of Luzon and from out the country as well, the place fits perfect since we wouldn't have to worry about crossing traffic in between the church and reception because St. Francis of Assisi Chapel is right inside the vicinity. Merely few steps from the reception area itself. There's an ample space for parking and even provide for shuttles/vans from and to the parking area.

I'm happy =)
That's one less task to think about.

getting to know you

this will be the official wedding blog for me and brian. i just thought that it would really be neat to collate everything wedding related some place else (which is here), so as not to bombard main blog with all the plans and details. i have been thinking about doing this for the longest time. and now, i finally found time to create one where everything about the wedding will sit and develop as we go through the whole fun, excitement and ordeal of the whole preparation.

me and blogger are still on the "getting-to-know-each-other" mode. so sit back and read on. it's still a long way to go.